The Most Jaw-Dropping Moments on HBO’s “Watchmen” | DIRECTV
“What the f---?!” It’s a line repeated often enough in HBO’s “WATCHMEN” to become a catchphrase for Angela Abar (REGINA KING), the miniseries’ de facto protagonist. It’s also what viewers found themselves asking again and again in the course of the show’s nine dizzying, brilliant episodes. Plenty of TV series can throw you for a loop time and again (see “WATCHMEN” show-runner DAMON LINDELOF’s own “Lost”), but this one is a rare show that can toss you into the whirlwind and ultimately land you on solid ground.
With a plot and themes as carefully engineered as the Millennium Clock, “WATCHMEN” delivered on all the wild moments it threw at us. It built on the world of ALAN MOORE and DAVE GIBBONS’s 1986 comic book masterpiece, and deftly combines profundity and seriousness with dry humor and psychedelic weirdness. It took the themes established in its source material and used them to tell a contemporary story about the long shadow of white supremacy and intergenerational trauma in America.
From the first squid storm to the last unbroken egg, here are the moments in the series that made us gasp. But be warned: This is not for the uninitiated. Massive spoilers abound.